Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lv. 72 English joined -ManUtd--Clan!

Hi fellow clanmates and frens!

we are proud to annouce that we have a new English in our clan!
he is dan31!

he is lv 72 and we hope he can maintain our clan's good look! :)

vietnam2008 had oso left the clan. unknown reasons :P

good luck to all of u guys!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Another American Member

Another American member has join -ManUtd--Clan!

he is aka13!
he is lv31 and sud do a good job and player :D

Monday, November 3, 2008

1st USA -ManUtd--Clan Member

Let give a warm welcome to our USA member, 17ronald07quaresma27!

We also have an Indian member arrived, ujjwalsharma!


hope we can giv the best clan for them and they can do their best for us :D

Sunday, November 2, 2008

About Power Soccer Cards

To: All -ManUtd--Clan Members

Want your Power Soccer cards to be displayed at the side? simply go follow the following steps:

1) Go login ur Power Soccer account,
2) Click 'Community'
3) Click 'Cool Widgets'
4) Copy the codes given in the page
5) Wait for me (karichester) to online and send me the codes via Private Chat


kari signing out

Thursday, October 30, 2008

"NEW"way Member

Welcome our new and 1st Norway member,


New Member

An English men had joined the clan!

He's naruto786!

2 NEW Members had joined our CLan!

Hi guys!

2 new members had join -ManUtd--Clan and they are

aswin33: England Lv. 4


fuzzerboy: Singapore Lv. 27

fuzzerboy is a Liverpool fan

So let us all Welcome them! :D